
Monday, July 18, 2011

Countdown to the Conference: 23 days - Introduction

            My name is Timothy Campbell, and two years ago I had the privilege of writing and blogging for Sri Lanka Unites directly after the conclusion of its civil war to provide a window into the organization for the Sri Lankan diaspora and other interested individuals.  I have been given the opportunity to return to Sri Lanka and resume my observations as SLU prepares for the 3rd annual Future Leaders Conference.  A part of this blog’s purpose will be to record SLU’s daily work as well as convey my own thoughts on the organization and its vision.

            Sri Lanka Unites strives to maintain a robust international community in support of Sri Lanka’s future. This year, we hope to have up to 20 international volunteers in Sri Lanka whose skill sets can create a Future Leaders Conference that lives up to its potential.  By July 25th, we hope to know exactly who will be coming to make this dream a reality.  Two volunteers, Ben Morrow and Theresa Bennett, have already been hard at work for one month in Sri Lanka. Ben has managed SLU’s video productions while Theresa has been involved with volunteer relations and the teacher’s conference to be held alongside the third FLC.

            On Sunday, July 17, Katie Madison and I arrived from the U.S. after an interminable 45+ hour plane trip from the eastern seaboard of the United States.  Katie will be assisting with the student applications and student relations during the conference while I will be updating SLU’s presence on its social media sites such as twitter and facebook in addition to providing a daily blog.  As we rest from our long flight, both of us are very excited to work with SLU and be a part of the growing movement for national reconciliation in Sri Lanka.

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