
Friday, July 31, 2009

FLC Countdown: 8 Days, Reflections

Registrations and invitations have topped the schedule for the past few days, and it has been refreshing to observe the preparations fall into place. Much of today was spent delivering invitations for prominent residents of Colombo to attend the opening ceremony of the 2009 Future Leaders Conference. Destinations ranged from the U.S. Embassy to individual residences, and the trip to deliver the invites took us through many of Colombo’s 15 districts. Though the days grow more stressful as the conference approaches, Sri Lanka Unites continues to work tirelessly. The three of us who delivered invitations, Wishanth, Sri Lanka Unites’s UK representative; Shehara, SLU’s general assistant; and myself maintained a positive attitude despite mounting pressure.

Working under pressure or duress is necessary if one is to work for a dedicated organization. Realizing one’s beliefs in the world requires a great deal of personal sacrifice, both of time and energy. The final object is often what keeps the members moving forward since the thought that work is valuable and has meaning is sufficient compensation for the pains of drudgery. It is a known fact that those who feel their work is meaningless have a harder time enjoying life, even if their work pays well. Fulfillment is necessary, and it leads one to a sense of accomplishment and purpose. Sri Lanka Unites provides the shining light at the end of the tunnel. All of its members have approached the organization of their own initiative and have shown that they are willing to sacrifice their energy for a greater good.

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