
Friday, July 15, 2011

Reconciliation: the global movement

25 days until the FLC season 3!

We are extremely busy preparing for the conference taking in many school applications, volunteer applications, asking people to speak from the Sri Lankan and global community. SLU is impacting over 5000 youth in 25 districts after three years of active grassroots efforts for youth- led conflict transformation. We have also been able to establish SLU chapters among the Sri Lankan Diaspora in Australia, New Zealand , the United States, and Canada. 

Now that it is the third year for the conference, we are expecting around 1000 participants to join this journey of youth-led reconciliation and nation building efforts. This year is also unique for many reasons. Firstly, we are inviting youth and young adult delegates from the Sri Lankan diaspora. We are also inviting delegates from other youth movements from around the world, with a desire to create a global movement and an alliance for youth-led conflict transformation. The international delegates will serve on a panel of sorts to observe the activities during the conference and learn to possibly start similar work in their own countries.

By inviting an international panel of individuals inspiring youth to be agents of change across the world, our hope is to create an atmosphere where " iron sharpens iron" . We are eager to see a creation of alliances that refines, fuels passion, and sharpens our strategies to be more effective among the youth of our respective countries and regions.

Our objectives in having global delegates at FLC:
1. For each delegate to be our guests, observers, panelists, and international representatives and part of the international affirmation for FLC 
2. Meet other like-minded, diversely gifted, experienced, and influential youth from across the world 
3. Brainstorm on the possibility of a youth movement coalition for YOUTH LED transformation. And imagine youth as the heart of change for social challenges.
4. Discover best and effective practices for impacting youth in a world that is rapidly exposed to globalization
5. Identify common challenges and potential solutions from each country’s experiences 
6. Create a contextual, multi-faceted strategy for sustainable, effective, relevant and vibrant approaches that inspire, equip and empower youth in our nations to be agents of change

We are excited to have international youth leaders from South Africa, Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Kosovo join us in Kandy to begin the global movement of change.
Do you want to be a part of the movement? Visit our website today at and visit the “Get Involved” . We would love to have you join our volunteer team and witness great change in the lives of Sri Lanka’s youth and other international youth. Fill out the volunteer application online and be the change!

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